Nation-wide database based on content generated via Participatory 3D Models

During the World Parks Congress session "A toolkit to support conservation by Indigenous Peoples and local communities: building capacity and sharing knowledge" organised by Colleen Corrigan from UNEP-WCMC, PAFID Executive Director Dave de Vera elaborated on the establishment of a country-wide database based on selected data sourced (FPIC obtained) from more than 150 1:5000 scale participatory 3D models (P3DM) realised by indigenous peoples in the Philippines.

The toolkit produced by United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) and launched at the Congress includes 150 tools among which a range of participatory mapping methods including P3DM. The toolkit is meant to build capacity and sharing knowledge for Indigenous Peoples and Community Conserved Territories and Areas (ICCAs).

It also includes a case study from Ethiopia which summarizes the outcome of a P3DM exercise facilitated by MELCA-Ethiopia with support provided by CTA.

The toolkit also recommends the "Training Kit on Participatory Spatial Information Management and Communication" published by CTA and IFAD in 2012